發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2006-10-24 生日快樂--給Michael (89) (6)
2006-10-18 殘念 (137) (10)
2006-10-15 Quiet moment (79) (3)
2006-10-09 熊寶貝 (168) (15)
2006-10-03 彩繪小熊 (65) (5)
2006-09-24 J&S - 2006 (114) (6)
2006-09-21 貓兒----變漂亮了! (89) (5)
2006-09-17 kitten and butterfly (92) (7)
2006-09-08 Welcome 2006 (104) (5)
2006-09-04 DMC 4050 (124) (5)
2006-09-04 Just stitching.... (99) (5)
2006-08-30 我們的世界變了....冥王星除名 (89) (5)
2006-08-28 我騎了一步單車...完成 (83) (4)
2006-08-26 Reversible cross stitch 練習 (115) (5)
2006-08-24 Isabelle Vautier 的漸層線使用 (248) (5)
2006-08-22 Blackwork--LOVE (126) (8)
2006-08-12 背影 (82) (5)
2006-08-11 我騎了一步單車,要到........ (76) (1)
2006-08-08 Happy father's day.. (79) (1)
2006-07-29 Samplers en rouge et blanc (221) (7)
2006-07-29 美麗的逗點 (77) (1)
2006-07-29 青春...愛情...玫瑰花 (102) (3)
2006-07-24 Home, sweet home (84) (5)
2006-07-11 完成 Sampler 1830 (227) (15)
2006-07-09 快要完成... (103) (0)
2006-07-04 還有六分之ㄧ (92) (4)
2006-06-29 小憩一下....想念彩色世界 (91) (0)
2006-06-29 sampler完成三分之二 (94) (7)
2006-06-22 sampler報告 (83) (4)
2006-06-22 繡書第二波 (710) (15)
2006-06-09 完成近二分之ㄧ ---sampler 1830 (134) (7)
2006-05-26 Sampler -- 3rd week (91) (7)
2006-05-20 Sampler-- 2nd week (97) (4)
2006-05-13 Sampler報告---發現天線寶寶 (113) (1)
2006-05-13 Sampler - the first week (140) (3)
2006-05-08 Sampler 開工大吉---繡到80歲? (140) (4)
2006-05-03 庭園之美 (119) (0)
2006-05-03 剪下的玫瑰 (153) (2)
2006-05-02 靜寂之美 (298) (0)
2006-05-02 第一次與十字繡相遇 (221) (3)